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Dear Maranatha Family!

Another year is behind us with wonderful memories, reunions, family outings, joyous vacations, and spirited retreats. Now entering its 88th season, Maranatha continues to expand its reach and influence as a precious place of spiritual renewal, Bible teaching, and support of worldwide missions.

With Colossians 4:2 reminding us to be steadfast in prayer, this past year saw God do exceedingly and abundantly through inspired teachings, strong attendance, and heartfelt engagement with missions. We raised a remarkable $840K for missions and ministry groups, affirming our members’ and guests’ depth of commitment to seeing the Gospel advance. We also had 35 baptisms, countless professions of faith, and many recommitments as God’s word, working through the Holy Spirit, pierced hearts. It reminds us that we must remain laser-focused on our mission as we enjoy all the recreation and blessings of Maranatha.

There were also sorrows and challenges along the way as the realities of life followed many into this blessed place. The tragic and untimely loss of a husband and father during Week 2, a prayer wall loaded with laments and requests for every heartbreaking situation you can imagine–guests who lost jobs, afflicted parents praying for wayward children, terminal illnesses–and the list goes on. The true beauty and spirit of what this community represents radiated through the summer as these people found fellowship, prayer, respite, love, joy, and peace amid the trials from within our community.

A profound thankfulness for God’s provisions fills us as we look back on this year. We are grateful for all the champions of Maranatha – the dedicated members, cherished guests, supporting businesses, and our local community – who support us with their time, talent, and treasure. We all remain steadfast in making Maranatha accessible to our vacation and retreat guests, compensating our ministry workers in a manner that honors God, and expanding the reach of our ministry. This is no small task.

The need for financial support to meet our budget goals is significant, and your year-end contributions play a crucial role. Our theme for 2024 is firmly anchored in Jude 1:3, where the Apostle exhorts us to “…contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” Will you consider joining us in this noble endeavor by providing the support we need to fulfill our mission within Christ’s church? You can contribute online at, send us a check by mail, or even donate securities. We deeply value your support and, most importantly, your prayers.

Our ministry has never been more relevant, needed, and valued in these dynamic and tumultuous times. As we celebrate the birth of King Jesus and the dawn of a New Year, we extend our heartfelt prayers for God’s blessings to you and your families.

In His Service,
