Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Maranatha Bible and Missionary Conference, located in Norton Shores, MI. Maranatha is a conservative, evangelical conference center and resident community where guests and residents Vacation with Purpose. We seek to provide programs that clearly present the Bible as God’s Word, offer people the opportunity to receive Christ, encourage spiritual growth, and challenge them to live consistent, Godly lives of service wherever He places them. Our mission is: “to provide spiritual renewal in a recreational setting emphasizing Bible teaching and worldwide missions.”
We are prayerfully seeking members who believe in this ministry and desire to give their time, talents, and treasure to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is our hope that this information will be helpful for you to better understand the process and timetable related to your application.
If, after prayerful consideration, membership in this type of Christian conference ministry is appealing to you, please complete and return the attached application to the Maranatha office. Complete the top of each recommendation form and give them to two (2) members from whom you seek a recommendation.
We look forward to the opportunity to consider you for membership.